Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I'm handing a few to each of you.


Because toothpicks happen to be handy little tools for sampling little morsels of tasty, bite-sized somethings you aren't committed to really wanting yet. And, if you happen to like the little edibles, you'll likely want more. Well, that, and I'm big on samples. It works for Costco, so it should work for me.

Such trickery.

I'm finishing something I started three years ago. I would love your input along the way.

Keep your toothpicks, and your opinions, handy.


Marissa said...

at least leave us with a taste! geez, ya sample teaser!!

Anonymous said...

OH OH !! Am I finally getting that postcard from NOLA???

Kenna said...

Unless its cake then I want ALL Of it!!!