Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Something New.

From Parker J. Palmer's "Let Your Life Speak, Listening for the Voice of Vocation."

A HUGE thank you to Rhett Smith for the recommendation.

Some time when the river is ice ask me
mistakes I have made. Ask me whether
what I have done is my life. Others
have come in their slow way into
my thought, and some have tried to help
or to hurt: ask what difference
their strongest love or hate has made.

I will listen to what you say.
You and I can turn and look
at the silent river and wait. We know
the current is there, hidden; and there
are comings and goings from miles away
that hold the stillness exactly before us.
What the river says, that is what I say.
--William Stafford, "ASK ME"

This is beautiful, and incredibly piercing.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

love it. love you.

** my comment word verification: waden. Its what i feel like i'm/we're doing through life right now. **