Sunday, December 21, 2008

Where mah ZETA's at??!

I have a new best friend.

And, because I know my (publicly pledged stalkers and anonymous pawns) perusers are undeniably sanguine, I didn't bring you any lotion-filled Kleenex. I know your feelings won't be hurt.

I'm a big believer in friend sharing, and I know you'll approve of this one.

Perusers, meet (Anna Faris) "Shelley" from "House Bunny." She's going to be our new (house) blog mother.

Shelley: "My name is Shelley and I am here to be your house (blog) mother."

Michelle: "This is Ben."
Shelley: [in a deep voice] "Ben."
Michelle: "And then Christa, and Renee."
Shelley: [in a deep voice] "Chris-ta, Rhe-nae"
Jeremy: "What is that?"
Shelley: "It's just this thing I do to remember peoples names."
Michelle: "Shelley, that's Jeremy."
Shelley: nods head [in a deep voice] "Jer-e-my."

Karyn: "You are the exorcist, that's great!"

Michelle: "This is Emily, and she's Amanda."
Shelley: [in a deep voice] "Em-a-lee, Ah-man-dah"

(She already knows Tony and Russ, no need for an introduction.)

Michelle: "Guys, Shelley is awesome. She's fun, affectionate, and kind (Shelley defines kind as love with its work boots on)."

Shelley: "We're going to have some amazing parties, learn all kinds of "'things and stuff,'" and do yoga on the lawn every morning!"

Michelle: "We only have one problem: We need 30 new pledges (followers in blogspeak) by December 25th or they (I have no idea who the hell "they" are) are going to take away our house! We can't let that happen. [pouting] I kind of like our screen door."

Shelley suggested we attract some attention with a car wash.

Who's in!??


Karyn said...

I almost just pissed my pants...

Friend sharing is the best! Almost as good as trifecta businees ventures and triquilt snuggling!

Thanks for the giggle love muffin!

Christa said...

Deep voice: you have lost your mind!